
Departure point: Tianjin
Transshipment point: Shanghai
Destination: Taipei

The customer Ms. Hu first contacted the local packaging goods company in Tianjin

Basically wrapped with plastic film and air bubble film

Some places, such as the bottom, are not protected, and some packaging is damaged

After Songfu took over, Ms. Hu requested that the shipment should be delivered before the old calendar year

Seeing that there are only a few dozen days left and the Chinese New Year is coming soon

All transportation round trips are getting slower

So Songfu immediately arranged the fastest shipping back

Since Ms. Hu lacks relevant documents, she can only export from Shanghai

We shipped the goods from Tianjin to Shanghai overnight, hoping to ship them back to Taipei immediately

Unexpectedly, the weather was unpredictable, and the port of Shanghai was frozen due to heavy snow

As a result, the departure date was delayed…

Thankfully we finally made it to our destination in the first two days of the old calendar year

On the way from Tianjin to Shanghai and then to Taipei

We will keep in touch with the customer to let the customer know the delivery status of the goods and deliver them on time at the scheduled time

Although this task is very difficult

Being able to meet customer requirements is our greatest comfort

No matter you have any questions about moving, please feel free to contact us or ask us directly through our online customer service system.


1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg ← Mainland local container packaging

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